About Us
About Us
Register of Wills
The Register of Wills has jurisdiction of the Probate of Wills and the Grant of Letters to properly qualified individuals who meet the requirements of the Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code. The Register of Wills is a quasi-judicial officer and is empowered to hold hearings, take testimony and render a decision on disputes that may arise at the time of probate.
The Register of Wills is also an Agent for the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue and is responsible for the collection of Inheritance Taxes for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Online Services
Now able to search the Register of Wills index only online at:https://countyfusion1.kofiletech.us/countyweb/login.do?countyname=LawrenceWills
The forms have been revised by the Orphans’ Court of PA Rules Committee.All required forms for the Register of Wills Office are available in the office and on the following website:http://www.pacourts.us/forms/for-the-public/orphans-court-forms
Recorder of Deeds
The primary duty of the Recorder of Deeds office is to record, protect, preserve, and reproduce legal documents that relate to real estate in Lawrence County.
We are responsible for collection of fees for the County as well as the collection of Real Estate Transfer Taxes for the State, Local Municipalities, and School Districts. We also collect fees pursuant to state statute for the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts.
Our records date back to the formation of Lawrence County in 1849. All real estate records are open to the public and can be searched in our office, while records from more recent years can be searched online.
Online services: Search, view, and print documents dating back to approximately 1970 online at https://countyfusion1.kofiletech.us/countyweb/login.do?countyname=Lawrence.
E-Recording: Record your documents electronically. It’s simple, fast, efficient, and it saves time and money. For more information please visit the following websites:
- www.Simplifile.com – Simplifile
- www.Erecording.com – CSC
- www.indecomm.net – Indecomm
- www.goepn.com – EPN
We are a public service office and look forward to providing you prompt and courteous customer service.